Friday, January 28, 2011

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--a bird, a tower, a cloud, and a plane

The title says it all. Actually, there are two clouds..or more, depending on how closely you want to look....

See other skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic sky! =)

Happy SWF!

Ken Mac said...

call me spooked

Gabriela Abalo said...


cheers from Uruguay :)

Virginia said...

Km's not spooked! HA

I love the silhouette against the blue sky!!

Lowell said...

I won't quibble over a cloud or two. It's a great composition whatever you call it or however many clouds are up in that sky!

Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Excellent.

Alexa said...

Like Virginia, I just love a good silhouette—and this one is downright witty!

Hildred said...

Wonderful composition. I really like this. said...

I like how you caught the little cloud getting pierced by the spire.

Olivier said...

superbe les ombres, beau contrasme entre le ciel et les ombres

Chuck Pefley said...

Is that the same crow??

Andy said...

The first thing that came to my was Edgar Allan Poe. The second was Alfred Hitchcock. Nice photo. Keep on clicking.

Carraol said...

Great composition, all the elements in perfect harmony!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Like Andy, «Louis» was thinking Poe and Hitchcock...

Daryl said...

Stop crowing! Couldnt resist, its a great shot

Mark Kreider said...

Only the tower cannot fly... this is a very beautiful photo, the silhouetted tower and bird are very dramatic.

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tilden talks... said...

...quoth the raven, nevermore...

Thérèse said...

Or less if you go by color... :-)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.