Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lemme in!

This pigeon has been hanging around my window ever since the snow fell....I think he wants in, but sorry, no chance.


Luis Gomez said...

Nice shot Bibi. Love the threading of the curtains.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Yes, and if you let him in, he would want a party and to invite many of his friends!

Lowell said...

Letting a pigeon in one's house is a really crappy idea!

Great photo, though. Throw him a peanut for posing!

Gaelyn said...

Nice drapes.

Olivier said...

attention tu es espionné ;)))

Slavoljub said...

Cool! Taking a picture through sheer curtain is a good example of how an ordinary photo can be transformed into great one.

Andy said...

I hope you are feeding the poor guy (gal).

Z said...

Curtain makes very ambiguous feeling. I really like mystery in this photo

Daryl said...


Alexa said...

What a terrific photo! Poor cold bird—but stick to your guns. Wouldn't want you and Bibi to catch any pigeon lice, now would we?
[My WV is rewinter.]

Thérèse said...

Did you stick the picture to the window so that he can have a good look at himself next time he comes?

Tina. said...

Sure miss you on DOT's! Stop by sometime!

Chuck Pefley said...

You're certainly a picky neighbor!

Nice graphic image, Bibi!!

Unknown said...

Love the lacy drape and the almost shadow of a bird behind it!

Jilly said...

I love your 'camera eye.'


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.