Wednesday, December 28, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY--"x" is for "Xerasia"

"Xerasia" is defined as a 'condition of the hair characterized by dryness and brittleness.'

This girl's lovely red hair is definitely not brittle and dry, and that's why I whirled around to take her photo. However, it looks like the mannequin observing her doesn't have to worry about suffering from xerasia....

See other X's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

This one is wonderful and fun. Hair and bold mannequin.

Roger Owen Green said...

yes, nice hair on the woman.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Olivier said...

bien vu et bonne composition

Kathy said...

You're right on the mark with this one!n Great choice with a great photo.

photowannabe said...

HaHa, very clever. No that Mannequin doesn't have a worry in the world.
Great shot.

Linda said...

Beautiful red hair with the red in the window.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Now that's a new word I learned today.

X-mas or Christmas, which one do you approve of? May you have a prosperous new year!

Thérèse said...

xerasia, xerasia, xerasia... will I remember? Perhaps because of this picture that I will connect to the word. ;-)

Lowell said...

Funny post! I know one thing, though: I'm not gonna play Scrabble with you! "Xerasia"? Sheesh!

TheChieftess said...

HaHa!!! I think Xerasia is a condition that starts in high altitude!!! It's so dry up here my hair regularly snaps, crackles and pops!!! Switched to the heavy duty conditioner to avoid Xerasia!!!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I need a new dictionary. Xerasia isn't in mine. She does have a beautiful shade of red. And it looks natural.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

what a wonderful colour of hair - and a new word - loved it

Anonymous said...

i love the hair and the color
ornamented joshua


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.