Monday, December 19, 2011

Just me and my bunny

While walking Bibi downtown the other day, I ran into this sweet man who was walking his bunny.


Olivier said...

voila un bel animal de compagnie

Luis Gomez said...


Leeds daily photo said...

Very sweet, but was it a pet or was he taking home for dinner?

TheChieftess said...

what a sweet shot Bibi!!! Thanks for stopping by Mammoth Lakes DB!!!

Thérèse said...

Quel doux visage!

Bob Crowe said...

The best portrait I've seen in a while. How exquisitely charming.

Leif Hagen said...

A charming photo of that gentleman and his bunny! I guess he easily meets new people with his pet!

Tamera said...

What a cute pair they make!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's a lovely shot Bibi, but I have to say my first thought was the same as Paul from Leeds haha! Only joking he looks far too nice for any of that!!

J e l e n a said...

You do not see many rabbits on the street here in Belgrade. I love how he is holding him with such care.

Pat said...

No, no dinner,folks. Rabbit is hardly ever eaten here. This one is a pet!!

Andy said...

What's up Doc? This a rare capture. How often do see a man out walking his bunny.

Lowell said...

A honey bunny! What a great shot and for some reason I think it fits perfectly for the holidays.

Re Xmas cards: I'm with you...

Daryl said...

Aw .. so sweet .. walking his bunny .. looks more like he's carrying his bunny .. did they hop off together?

Tash said...

Now that's an attention grabber. Glad you spotted them. So darling.

Vuk said...
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Vuk said...

That's my father and his pet rabbit.
They take walks together every day...

Pat said...

Hi, Vuk! Yes, I've seen your father from a distance before, with the rabbit hopping along beside him. Watch out for dogs....

I sent him a photo through email, as you probably know!


 I love this photo and don't think I have posted it before. I ran a few search words on my blog and nothing came up, so here it is. This...