Monday, March 21, 2011


Seattle has already had just over 4 inches of rain in the first half of March, way above the average. It's cold and damp, and I'd forgotten just how many lichens like this kind of climate. This whole tree was covered. Anyway, it's green, and good for the first day of spring photo!

For those of you who wonder why there's no Belgrade photo, I'm in the US for several months attending to family issues.


Luis Gomez said...

This is very nice Bibi. We don't see them over here.

Thérèse said...

They look like edible!

Bob Crowe said...

Just don't go photographing lichens growing on geoducks. That would be horrid. Enjoy Seattle.

Gaelyn said...

So many lichens in the wet PNW.

Olivier said...

belle macro de cette mousse

J e l e n a said...

Dear Bibi, it is cold and damp here and it has not stopped raining since yesterday.
I hope your mother is finding her comfort in your visit.

Andy said...

Nice closeup shot. I'm glad that spring is on the way.

Daryl said...

that looks like the frissee in salads that I always pick out ..


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!