Took this with my telephoto, so I couldn't hear the conversation between the two birds on this footbridge....but it almost looks like the owl is wondering how to answer some sassy remark from the crow.
Check out more bridges and perhaps some birds on Louis La Vache's
SUNDAY BRIDGES.Am in the US for several months attending to a family matter.
Really, Bibi a fun shot!
These plastic owls are all over L.A. but none of them seem to work any better than this one.
Your photo provides the best evidence of this.
Plus, its funny.
Such a cute picture. I wonder if Mr. Crow is wondering what the owl did to get turned into stone.
Or trying to ignore it.
the owl seems to be saying, "Oh, leave me alone, I'm thinking about dead birds in Japan!"
Years ago, our assistant principal at the school where we taught put up faux owls on the roof to keep away the pigeons. The pigeons sat on top of the owls and crapped all over everything.
Hope you're doing well!
those crows can be quite sassy...i actually hear some out my window right now lol
What a cute photo. I'm sure the crow got in the last word.
An Arkies Musings
that's a very cute photo, really made me smile!
What a great shot, Bibi!
The owl seems to be completely fed up with the crow's sassiness!
What an absolutely amazing shot. Imagine seeing such a beautiful owl. What a privilege and what a hoot that conversation. I envy you seeing these two birds like this. The best I can do are bluetits and seagulls...
Well fool me! I should have clicked on the photo to enlarge or worn my glasses. I still love the photo even if the owl ain't real. There I was thinking you had these amazing owls in Seattle. Well perhaps you do.
Hello, readers! Thank you all for your comments. I am sorry not to be able to visit you for the moment; just too busy with my mother.
I guess I should apologize for 'April-fooling' some of you early with my plastic owl....
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