Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY- "U" is for "Unconventional"

Here I am again, photographing behind the wheel. I could not resist this....

A Barbie hearse? What a way to go,
I thought...

It's a way to go, all right, but not on your last ride. The Barbie Dream Hearse , though indeed a hearse in body, is now used as a limo for the fashionable girl's night on the town.

Weird. Or just 'unconventional'.

See other U's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Thérèse said...

You always find something fun Bibi and this time it's a big hit! The concept is certainly unique! How fun.

Gaelyn said...

Too weird. But very cool sighting. You've done it once again.

Roger Owen Green said...

that's just...peculiar
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Luis Gomez said...


Leslie: said...

OMG! What will they think of next? I do NOT think I'd like a dream night out on the town in a hearse, though! Great photo...have a dreamy week,

abcw team

photowannabe said...

Now that's wild. Perhaps after a few cocktails the hearse wouldn't seem so weird.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! that's funny !
ABC team

Daryl said...

Too funny.. fabulous catch

TheChieftess said...

Love it!!! Don't think I'd want a night out in a hearse though either!!!
Fab capture Bibi!!!

Alexa said...

Another great drive-by shot!

Maryhocam said...

Wow! What a great shot. What will they think of next.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.