Wednesday, June 15, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "V" is for "vicinage"

"Vicinage" means 'neighborhood" and in Seattle you have buildings and streets and in the 'vicinage' of the mountains, you've got skiing and Bigfoot! I've been meaning to take a photo of this mural on NE 90th Street in Seattle for quite some time, but there had always been cars parked in front of it. Finally did! It's located in a very congested 'vicinage'.

See other V's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Roger Owen Green said...

what a great word!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Olivier said...

waouhhh magnifique et impressionnante cette peinture murale

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful Bibi!

Hilda said...

Bigfoot is one member of this vicinage that I don't think I ever want to meet. I hope the skier whose skis he is holding managed to get away!

Gaelyn said...

Great mural. Love the diversity of districts in Seattle.

Thérèse said...

Exactly what I needed today we are expecting 107 degrees!! thks :.))

VioletSky said...

fun mural. I think there should be some by-law about parking directly in front of these murals so that us photogs can get unobstructed photos!

Alexa said...

Love your choice for V! And your photo of this mural was so worth waiting until no cars were there.

Kitty said...

Are you staying in Seattle for long? How has it been?

We haven't visited there and we are curious since we've been watching the tv show 'The Killing'. It seems like a pretty, atmospheric city.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.