Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reflections Weekend--I want one....

Oh, I want one, too. This is my friend Jenny and her husband Chris (discreetly on the left) and Jenny's, yes, Jenny's alone, 1959 Rambler Metropolitan.

I want one.

Do you remember Jenny and Chris from this photo?

See other reflections on James' REFLECTIONS WEEKEND.


Kim, USA said...

I want one too! ^_^

Weekend Reflection

Luis Gomez said...

Great looking car!

Anonymous said...

Must be great feeling driving one of those;)

Gaelyn said...


Louis la Vache said...

hee hee... There is a black and white Metropolitan in San Francisco with the license "Pepe" (as in le Peu). The engine in these diminutive cars was supplied by Austin in the U,K. If «Louis;» memory is correct, the Metropolitan was introduced for the 1955 model year. Nash, or as it was by then called, American Motors, was run at the time by George Romney, father of Mitt Romney. Romney stepped in when Nash (American Motors) boss George Mason died suddenly of pneumonia. Romney killed Mason's planned merger between American Motors (which then consisted of Nash and Hudson, which he had bought in 1954) and Studebaker and Packard. Packard boss James Nance had bought Studebaker as his part of the planned merger creating American Motors, but Mason's death ended the planned merger. Romney didn't like Nance, terminated a component sharing plan and that brought about the end of Packard...

Mim said...

always loved those little cars - and in red - woohoo!!

Louis la Vache said...

"Beep Beep".


TheChieftess said...

Please tell your friend Jenny that when she's tired of this baby to give me a ring!!! I want one too!!!

Lynette said...

Such a good-lookin' trio, the car and your two best buds!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The front looks like my Dad's first car, a fiat 1100 in the 1960s.

Looks like we both like cars.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!