Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY--"E" is for "eternal"

Some people believe that nothing is eternal, that nothing lasts forever. It's true that material things, no matter how indestructible they seem, one day will fall apart, erode away, disintegrate; in short, disappear. Sooner or later people disappear too, no matter how much we want them to be with us forever. Today marks the day my husband suffered a stroke that led to his leaving us much too soon. I'd like to think that it was only his physical self that is gone, and that he is somehow still around. Part of him lives on in his baby granddaughter, Mila, who by coincidence, turns one month old today. Above are my son and daughter-in-law's wedding rings, dangling from Mila's toes. May they, and my daughter and her husband, all live long and happy lives.

See other E's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gigi Ann said...

So sorry to hear about your husband, I'm sure you have many wonderful memories of him you can share with the new grandchild. That picture of her tiny feet and the rings is just to precious.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do beleive aswell when we are gone that we live furtehr in things and family members that tree that we have planted but above all in fond memories of our loved ones.Such a touching picture here;) I do wish them happy long life;)

Olivier said...

elle est tres belle cette photo et le b&w lui donne une force et en meme temps une douceur, j'adore

Cassy said...

I'm so sorry to hear that.
I know how does it feels to have loss one of the most important man of our life.

Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful post Bibi! Love the little feet. Big hug to you today.

Roger Owen Green said...

ah, the eternal circle.
pain still comes from loss, even after many years...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Superb photo!

Thérèse said...

Delicatesse de la photo, des symboles et des paroles tous relies par l'Amour.

jane said...

Sad times and happy times so much part of all our lives - I love the picture of the little feet - take care Jane

Daryl said...

He is in your heart so he isnt gone .. and I know he is also in Mila .. love this shot ..

Kathy said...

Such a sweet photo.

Jess PJ said...

that picture is incredibly precious!

Kim, USA said...

Oh this is precious photo!


Tash said...

The photo is so tender and the text brought tears to my eyes. I join you in wishing your son's lovely family very long and very happy lives.

Alexa said...

I wish the same for your children and their spouses—and for you as well. Here's hoping you dance at Mila's wedding (and blog about it!).

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a precious photo of baby Mila, so tiny with so much to see of this world, hers for the taking. Ivan's legacy is truly eternal as he will be seen in the mannerisms, the smile, the twinkle in the eye of this new wonderful grandchild.

A bittersweet day for you, my dear friend, and a big hug and prayer for Ivan and the future generations.


Lowell said...

Very touching and yes, may their lives be happy and healthy and long! said...

I like to think the same Bibi.
& I also wish for what Alexa said!

Vlada Jablanov said...

Bravo! Prelepa fotografija

Charlestonjoan said...

What a sweet photo. I am sorry for your loss.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.