While waiting with my son for my daughter-in-law to appear with Baby Mila to go home, I caught these Gypsy or Roma kids with their grandmother. They seem to be waiting for their mother to bring them their newest family member. Pensive group... What are they all thinking?
They seem kind of worried.
on les semble inquiete, des problemes de papiers ?
Probably over tired!
This is a very fine photograph. The children seen uncertain even confused, but the women behind have something between anxiety and depression on their faces.
What a great picture. Perhaps the father is running late...
Beautiful children. I missed the birth so congratulations on baby Mila. Great to see you back, Bibi. My turn to apologise as I've had difficulty getting around the blogs and commenting lately.
I am thinking they are wishing things would hurry up so they can go home
I think that they are thinking "boy." Very nice portrait. So what will this new pet't call her new grandmother. I know that it will not be Bibi - hah! Best wishes!
At that age, they're probably thinking the family was just fine without any "extra" little people. Actually, I was wondering the same thing as Genie. (BTW, my cousin's grandchildren call her BeeBee.) :~}
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