Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "I" is for "incognizant"

I'm not sure if this fellow was really incognizant of these puppies following him, but he was sure trying his best to ignore them.

See other I's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Anonymous said...

I only hoep thsoe are not stret puppies as I heard there is big problem with stret dogs in Bg

Alexa said...

Yes, I hope they're all his dogs and he's just tired of walking them. Guess he won't be cleaning up after them, eh? :~}

Luis Gomez said...

Hopefully those are his puppies. It is a great capture Bibi!

Olivier said...

le maitre qui promene sa petite famille, une photo amusante

Pat said...

Sorry, folks, but they are strays....there are so many here.

Tash said...

Street urchins...after a while, people do just ignore them.
Excellent capture, "B".

Roger Owen Green said...

an unwilling Pied Piper?

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Unknown said...

and definitely not interested in those pups! Great photo!
ABC Team

Thérèse said...

Rigolote cette photo!
Bien éduqué ce petit monde si c'est le sien.

Indrani said...

Great capture for "I".

Daryl said...

Wonderful 'illustration' of 'i' .. and I hope those are his puppies not strays that will be run over by cars/trucks

TheChieftess said...

How sad!!! How can anyone ignore such cute pups? But I guess if you've got an overpopulation of strays you kind of have to...sad...

We've gone a bit overboard here in California with the mandated spaying and neutering of any animal that gets into a shelter or a rescue...

Kathy said...

What a great photo!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.