Do these Turkish pastries, at least the colored ones, look good to you? I don't think I'd try them...too much food coloring..., but maybe they're just to attract your attention, as they did mine for this photo.
You can sample with your eyes much better pastries
in this other shop that I showed you before.
Give me the ones on the right of the picture.I wouldn't try middleones either.Wonder what they tried to do with the coloured ones..
cela semble bon, colore ou pas, j'aimerais bien les gouter
I totally agree with you Bibi!
Patriotic pastries. Who would have thought?!?
You're right: good for photos, maybe not so much for actual consumption!
Nice look but what a waste of good pastries.
Ha ha, I think those pastries stand there as a precaution mesure :D
Because it is a Turkish (owner is from Istanbul) shop, very recently opened, and Serbs are not particularly fond of Turks. Although these new Turkish soap operas are now a big hit among Serbian housewives :)
Inspired photo now since Nole’s just won the US Open.. :)
Effectivement avec des couleurs pareilles...
par contre ma douce moitié apprécierait les simples baklavas derrière, moi non: trop sucrés.
I'll take one of those in the pan on the right - miam-miam!
They remind me of Greek pastry .. cant think of the name .. nice shot!
Turkish pastries with a Cetnik insignia! Well, I suppose that's a testament to deliciousness no one can deny...
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