Thursday, September 15, 2011

Three on a Bench

Although Belgrade is a large, cosmopolitan city where older people (at least) still try to 'dress up' when they go out, you still see people in downtown areas rather casually dressed, as these three fellows. I love the ties on the man's pants on the left.

This was a hip shot, as was this one from long ago, of three ladies on a bench.

What do you think these three men are talking about?


Gaelyn said...

They look comfortable and happy.

Sure do like your "hip" shots. I really need to try that idea. Yet always feel self conscious of taking candid people pictures.

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot even if from the hip. They seem so into the conversation.

Thérèse said...

Three friends enjoying the time being!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

These three 'men on the bench' look so very relaxed and enjoying each others company, loved the 'three ladies' definitely a bit less happy about it all. Great shot!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

These three men have a bit more weight, but they are a similar bunch to the ones I posted a few days ago... three men, about the same age as these. I wonder if it is a trend?


Kate said...

They obviously enjoy one another, and they're probably reminiscing about old times.

Olivier said...

il existe une tres belle chanson française "trois vieux papis"

"Trois vieux papis tout vermoulus
Sur un très vieux banc tout moussu
Parlaient de la pluie et du temps." Gotainer

J e l e n a said...

There is one bench on Kej in Zemun where the same 3-5 old ladies sit year after year after year. It is in the most crowded place, but I sometimes think they keep the place to themselves by rotating and sitting. My husband jokes that when one of them wants to go home they call on to the new one watching from the building behind to come and sit. We call them- tri gracije.

Soma said...

Great shot, I can hear them talking :-)

I've recently started using "hip shots" (or belly shots) more often and really love "the technique". Pictures look more live and spontaneous. And people usually don't pay attention, which is great, they think I'm just wandering aimlessly :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes isn't taht interesting how much people in Bg love their benches:)

Daryl said...

Fabulous catch!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.