Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "J" is for 'jewelry'

Another one of my hip shots. I love this lady....but she looks so forlorn as she seems to wait at the garage gate...wearing her jewelry and make-up.

Who is she waiting for?

See other J's at


Anonymous said...

Very symbolic.,.at her age:)

Luis Gomez said...

What a great shot Bibi!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Waiting for her date maybe hehehe.

Here's my J entry, have a nice evening.

Ruta said...

That is an interesting shot!

Juliette said...

Poignant. You have a gift for catching a mood.

Roger Owen Green said...

i think she's cute!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Olivier said...

elle semble bien heureuse, beau portrait

Thérèse said...

For a date perhaps...

mrsnesbitt said...

After reading Roger's comment I think she may be waiting for him! lol!
Great take
ABC Team

J e l e n a said...

I think she is waiting for her kids and grand kids to arrive. She probably has not seen them in a very long time.

Daryl said...

Seems as if her car was towed and she's waiting to pay the fine .. there's something wonderful about an older woman who still puts on her make up and jewelry even if its just for a trip to the in-pound lot

MaR said...

Love to see old ladies wearing make-up and jewelry!
J is for ...

Unknown said...

I think she is just patiently waiting for her new beau and that's why she is all dressed up.
ABC Wednesday Team

Alexa said...

She's probably one of those women who just won't leave the house without her full regalia. Used to admire them, but I'm over it now. :~} I always love your hip shots!

Chronicles of Illusions said...

i love this photo - so many stories behind it to be unfurled

Leif Hagen said...

Her bright RED blouse and special look would be difficult to miss! Nice portrait, Bibi!

Kathy said...

A great character study.

Indrani said...

Interesting capture.
I hope she is happy.

Lowell said...

You're right about the "forlorn" part. Maybe she's waiting for someone to pick her up and take her where she doesn't want to go?

Patrick said...

Is she forlorn or just not prepared for the picture?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.