Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Art and graffiti....

Here's another cow, like I showed you here. Behind her is the now and for a long time already defunct "Beograd" department store, one of a former state-owned chain. I remember shopping for baby clothes there...long, long ago.


Luis Gomez said...

It is a very colorful post Bibi!

Thérèse said...

Funny how the whole thing matches!

Anonymous said...

I saw the cows already on some walking zoen.They looked really pretty.Had no diea this store was closed...

Olivier said...

une creation plus dans le ton des artistes de rue

Daryl said...

Nice POV

Patrick said...

I hope I'm not missing the point in finding the defunct state-owned store a depressing sight! The font on its marquee makes me think of a more optimistic past.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.