Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Bubble-lips is what I called her in this photo. Remember my granddaughter, Mila, whom you met last July here? Don't kids change fast?


Luis Gomez said...

Blessings! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I can't beleive how she has grown:) Gorgeus!

Leif Hagen said...

Grandma's pride and joy! Cute, cute Mila!

Bob Crowe said...

OMG, she looks like the St. Louis University mascot, the Billiken - http://saintlouismodailyphoto.blogspot.com/2011/07/and-now-for-something-completely.html

Julie said...

Hooray for Grandma! Time simply scoots past, Bibi. Mila certainly has a fine head of hair, and into modern styling already.

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

Absolutely precious, Bibi. I love the then and now shot!


Gaelyn said...

Oh so fast the changes.

canngil said...

Look at all that hair! she is adorable! Congratulations, Baba!

J e l e n a said...

She has got such nice hair and is adorable! Granny and her with a camera in Tasmajdan...I can only imagine the cute pictures!

Olivier said...

la joie d'etre grand mere, elle est mignonne et c'est vrai que cela change vite

Tamera said...

Oh so cute :) Lucky you!

Arie Uittenbogaard said...

What a sweetheart! Thanks for sharing.
- Arie

Louis la Vache said...


Thérèse said...

Such a cutie!
Enjoy, enjoy!

Soma said...

Wow, Bibi, she was like a loaf of bread in July, and now it's almost a personality! :-)

Daryl said...

Oh she is so sweet ... 3 months begins the change from sweet lump to sweet baby personality emerging

Lowell said...

I think your beautiful granddaughter is going to be a famous painter or pianist or doctor...look how she's taking everything in! Oh, what eyes she has!

TheChieftess said...

TeeHeeHee!!! What an expression!!! And she's got way more hair than TheChief ever had!!! I love that you call her bubble lips!!! She's absolutely precious Bibi!!!

We're expecting a new grand baby in December!!!

Alexa said...

She hasn't lost any of that great head of hair, has she? Hope you'll be posting updates of Mila on a regular basis!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.