Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY--"K" is for "Kin"

I showed you Baka Jelka's hands before. Here they are again, holding her great-granddaughter Mila. Baka Jelka (Yel-ka) is my daughter-in-law's grandmother, and she is so, so proud....

See other K's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leif Hagen said...

What a beautiful portrait of them! I hope you've been taking multiple-generational photos!
You can see our "baby" tomorrow on my blog....

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so moving:) I have a picture when I was born and my brother(14 years older) came to hospital ..his big head looking at me so close and the expression on hsi face happy ..unpayable moments like this;)

Kim, USA said...

I love this shot. Makes me think of my mother. ^_^


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot Bibi! Gorgeous!

Roger Owen Green said...

great shot of expressive hands, and perspective

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

Steady and caring hands are the best support in the world

Pheno, ABCW Team

Gaelyn said...

Awesome image! It says So much. said...

oh my goodness! I was just thinking if you might have posted a recent picture of Mila! & there she is-what a doll!
Love the pic with her great grandma too-perfectly done.

Juliette said...

Très beau, Bibi!

Alexa said...

Looks like they have a special bond already. I hope you've given Baka Jelka (and your daughter-in-law) a copy of this gorgeous portrait.

Olivier said...

que dire, la photo parle d'elle même et elle est tellement belle, bravo

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Such a special image to keep forever!

Chronicles of Illusions said...

what a special photo

Shooting Parrots said...

A really evocative shot that tells a story without showing a face.

J e l e n a said...

Now this photo you need to enter in some photo competition. It should go in Life magazine.

Thérèse said...

Une photo des plus émouvantes!

Daryl said...

this is an exception portrait .. I can fell the love ..

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Wonderful, wonderful shot. It made me tear up, but don't tell anyone. The b&w intensifies the emotion you captured.

Kathy said...

What a beautiful photo!

The Poet said...

Visiting from ABC Wednesday.

Oh my goodness! What an adorable photo! The baby is so tiny in those hands.

Great, emotional shot!
Thanks for sharing.

Kiss Me With Desire

Louis la Vache said...

What a lovely, loving image, Bibi!

Anonymous said...

This photo is making me cry. So much love in one simple picture.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.