Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Still green....

The Emerald City still has some green leaves... And then there's that little brown one in the lower right-hand corner to remind us that fall is here.


Olivier said...

la nature reprend ces droits, petit a petit

Luis Gomez said...

Great capture Bibi!

Alexa said...

Ooooh, this is just beautiful!

Virginia said...

Oh these leaves remind me of the ones in Paris. They dry to a golden/red color on the walls. Love your composition Bibi.

Anonymous said...

Such a good find:)Start of Fall;)

Tash said...

A true EMERALD green. Super!

Gaelyn said...

So green it's hard to believe it's fall.

Talking possible snow here on Thurs.

Lowell said...

Is this growing through a crack in a wall? Or is the background the color of the sky?

Nice contrast!

Re your comment on Ocala: You'll have to excuse Jack. He's a lawyer from Connecticut. What do they know? :-)

Daryl said...

This is a fabulous shot .. frame it!


 My post yesterday was so dark, both figuratively and in reality. Here's one more from my baby Minox DCC 5.1, which is more cheerful.