Friday, November 18, 2011

Skywatch's foggy...

'twas foggy the other day. Even the birds look like they're confused about which way to fly.

See other skids on SKYWATCH.


Lowell said...

Now that's fog! Or is it smog? Hopefully, it's more fog than smog. I lived in Los Angeles as a kid in the late 40s...sometimes you couldn't see across the street because of the smog!

Anonymous said...

yes always wondered how far they can see;))

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful! Love this shot.

Anuradha Shankar said...

nice pic! i love the fog, even though its a problem at times... and just hope its more fog than smog!

Pat said...

It is fog, honest!

Daryl said...

Oh Pat, this is one exquisite shot

WildBlack said...

Lovely shot! I like the foggy effect in it

Unknown said...

Poor birds! Your pic has an understated dramatic effect:)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.