There's always a bridge to be found if one looks hard enough. Here is a piece of playground equipment that I'd overlooked before...a bridge, but I guess not really just for kids. I went up to see if I could get a shot of something.
See other bridges at Louis La Vache's
Great find and a wonderful composition Bibi!
A bridge over concrete! Rather different. Nice perspective...
Another of your clever posts, Bibi!
«Louis» linked you.
Super duper choice for your bridge post this week. Love the little play areas like this. They are popping up everywhere. We have 2 of them here in my town and the kids love them. Nice shots. genie
You definitely find the best bridges, mon amie!
just watched on TV, The boy in striped pajamas, they had a tyre swing like this, and my husband made one for our apartment. I told my son, we had the one and only such swing in Singapore.
A stellar bridge for Sunday Bridges. And so what did you find to shoot on this playground bridge, Bibi?
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