These reflective walls are located in Tasmajdan Park downtown....they can throw you off a bit if you're not careful, or if you are a dog. Bibi barked and chased herself for a minute before she realized what was going on.... and that bird on the right looks like it may have had a close call, too.
See other reflections at James'
I believe I would feel a little thrown off course, too!
Great reflection Bibi!
Took me a minute to see what you were talking about. They are pretty cool. Very disorienting though!
C'est excellent, cette déformation est parfaite. Bravo, c'est très réussi, comme un monde abstrait !
I couldn't understand what was going on 'til I read your commentary...that "reflective wall" would seem to be very dangerous. People here keep walking into sliding glass doors and many birds meet their end trying to fly through them! Looks like a very nice park, though.
Lois Anne is going out running soon and I'll follow along on my bike. I can't run. Well, if I'm being chased by someone really big and mean I can! Sort of.
Ohhh...interesting reflections!!!
So cool! Yup, I might be barking at it too. ... on the other hand, I might just be looking for Visnja. :)
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