Laza Kostić (1841-1910) was a Serbian poet, prose writer, lawyer, philosopher, polyglot, publicist, and politician, considered to be one of the greatest minds of Serbian literature. I do not think he ever picked up a paintbrush, but I do think this bust of him is reminiscent of the eccentric Surrealist Painter, Salvador Dali.
According to Wikipedia, Laza Kostić was characterized as an eccentric but had a spark of genius all his own. His writings abound in coined words, and in devious turns and twists of expression. He was the first to introduce iambic meter into the dramatic poetry, and the first translator of Shakespeare into Serbian. At a European authors' convention at the turn of the century he once tried to explain the relationship between the culture of Serbia and those of major Western European cultures using the scenario of a phone conversation, in which the speaker in Belgrade keeps repeating, “Can you hear us? We hear you. Can you hear us?” with the other end of the line not responding whatsoever. His scenario accurately expressed the frustration the smaller European cultures at not being heard, or not being understood.
There exists a Laza Kostić Fund, with offices in Belgrade and London.
See other D's on ABC WEDNESDAY.
Never noticed the resemblance, bravo!
Quite a resemblance.
Uncanny resemblance. How is the weather in Serbia? I have been reading about the devastating winter snow.
You are right about the similarity of facial features. And you have offered a lot of food for thought in this post!
I thought it was Dali at first glance. This is what I have missed not blogging, educating each other through personal experience of our different parts of the globe.
PS. I can't get into my emails presently, server issue, but will reply by weekend.
Wonderful post Bibi!
Yes, certainly looks like Dali :)
Well, hello faux Dali.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
le frère jumeau inconnu de Dali ;) surprenante cette ressemblance
Wow -- he really does look like Dali! Once again, I've learned about someone who would never ever have been on my radar otherwise. Thanks!
Perhaps a distant relation
Yes! Separated at birth!
I am not familiar with him, but did you know that Dali and Walt Disney collaborated on some things?
abcw team
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