Sunday, March 11, 2012

SUNDAY BRIDGES--black and white

Belgrade's newest bridge, the Bridge Over Ada, has something in common with the Eiffel can see it from just about anywhere in the city.

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Luis Gomez said...

Lovely shot Bibi.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» linked you, Bibi!

Julie said...

Nice shot to convert& to B&W, Bibi. The direction of the light is just perfect, as is what I take to be mist in the middle distance.

Spot on!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

That type of bridge construction seems to be very popular these days. I loved you misty view of Bridge Over Ada.

genie said...

This capture worked beautifully in black and white. And I agree, it does remind me a bit of the Eiffel Tower. Your processing of the shot is awesome. Quite a nice photograph. genie

Gaelyn said...

I do like that bridge design. Nice in B&W.

Lowell said...

Love this bridge and love misty, mysterious photos! Great job here!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful B&W and a nice view of the bridge. It does seem to be a popular bridge design. Great shot, have a wonderful week!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love a bridge that you can see from many spots, that's why I love the Sydney Harbour Bridge so much. this image is so perfect in B&W Bibi, super composition, love the silhouette of the ornate street lamp.

Unknown said...

Amazing image, very graphic.
I really admire your work.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.