Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ABC Wednesday "V" is for "vertically varigated"

It's hard to believe these are bamboo stalks. I have no idea why they're pink.  These stood in the midst of other green bamboo stalks in a neighbor's yard here in Seattle. I should look this up...have these stalks fallen victim to some kind of blight? Off to Google!

See other V's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

belle photo avec une belle DOF

Gaelyn said...

Sure is a complimentary color combination. Hope you get an answer to share.

Daryl said...

are they not citronella (keeps bugs away) candles?

brattcat said...

another lovely composition, bibi. thank you.

Alexa said...

I always look forward to what you do on alphabet day!

Lowell said...

I think Ms. Edelstein has the answer. Someone bamboozled you. I like the colors, though!

Pat said...

Daryl, Lowell, I googled citronella and came up with nothing that looks like this. These were growing from the soil, I looked! And those wick-looking tops were either some sort of rot or else a peculiar outgrowth.

Chubskulit Rose said...

This is "v"eautiful!

Eye View
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

EJ said...

So pretty but what is it?

Variety of Wild Birds, have a nice day.

Joy said...

Surely too pretty a colour to be a 'blight'. Maybe its a some sort of exotic lichen, definitely nice to look at.
Joy, ABC Team

Roger Owen Green said...

pretty, yet peculiar

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Hannah said...

Beautiful shot...hope they're not ill, too. Very pretty!

Thérèse said...

After a day in the sun?? :-)

Dyanna said...

Really great colors. I thought they were yarnbombed!

Anonymous said...

My bamboo never looks like that... too bad!

Ann said...

I those are beautiful. The verigate colors so stunning.

Jude said...

They look like horsetail to me. equisetaceae Are you sure it's bamboo? (of course, I have no idea what bamboo looks like, although I've seen plenty of horsetail).

Jilly said...

how fascinating. never seen anything like this. Love the way you've photographed them.


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