Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Plucked too short

Had lunch at my in-laws' in Bellevue the other day.  One of their granddaughters loves to pick flowers from their garden, but she needs practice in getting the stems...  These were so pretty that I had to immortalize their short life.


Thérèse said...

Well, more than worth the short stems...

Gaelyn said...

She has a good sense of color. ;)

Olivier said...

belle photo et belle presentation

Tamera said...

Well they make for a very pretty still life photo :^)

Lowell said...

I've heard a lot of droopy flower stem from short stems. Don't know if it's true...

But you did good. These are gorgeous!

brattcat said...

you have done them a beautiful turn with this image.

Alexa said...

So beautiful! (Glad you caught them for posterity before they expired.)


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