Monday, June 11, 2012

The Kilt Runner

I see a lot of guys wearing kilts here in Seattle.  They don't see me taking their photo, though.


Olivier said...

on dirait un acrobate

Thérèse said...

THis one would need some "legs push-ups!"

Luis Gomez said...


Gaelyn said...

I knew a couple kilt wearing men in Oregon. Wonder if it's a PNW thing. I keep telling Mike how comfortable a skirt is, especially in warm weather, and he's got the legs for it. ;)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Really Bibi, how fascinating! I must say i do love a man in a kilt (quickly adding..if he has nice legs haha)

Lowell said...

That's just weird. I like the dog, though. Why so many kilts? I mean, really, in the US? If you want to wear a dress, wear a dress! Sheesh! :-))

Daryl said...

interesting ... now of course I must Google to see why this is so popular in Seattle ...

TheChieftess said...

I never would have believed this one if I didn't see it!!! Really??? Kilts??? In Seattle???

Thérèse said...

At first I did not see the word "permitted" on the top left side... ah ah ah!

jessica said...

This is hilarious! I love it. And I would definitely be the person taking a picture of them too! HA!


Valladolid Daily Photo said...

And you know why is this "new" custom?

Alexa said...

I saw two guys wearing kilts on the Brooklyn Bridge the other day (but they were musicians, so maybe that's an explanation).

Jilly said...

Super movement shot and looks like a happy couple.


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