Monday, October 15, 2012

Wanna play ball?

On the same trip to the zoo that brought you this zoo tale, I had the occasion to see this male lion, father of six (I think that's right) white lions, who are fairly grown up now, in contrast to those that appear in this video.
Looks like dad isn't interested in playing ball.   


Olivier said...

ce lion blanc est magnifique

Alexa said...

You're right—he hardly looks in the mood to play. But he sure is beautiful! (I missed you little Mila zoo tale when I was away. Too cute!)

Gaelyn said...

Far too majestic an animal to play ball. said...

Hi Bibi!
You were awfully close to these two, though I trust you were safe!
You really caught a beautiful expression in the face of that father lion.

Thérèse said...

Good looking!
I certainly would not volunteer to play ball with him!

Tamera said...

What a magnificent creature!

-K- said...

A very majestic animal.

(As much as I hate to see any animal in a cage, I'm really surprised that they are being held by nothing more than a chain link fence.)

Pat said...

Hi, -K-,
I agree....and some sit really close, but there is an electrified wire around as well. You can see the little white 'thingies' on the fence. They don't sit close to those, but there are places where somebody could stick their fingers in.... Oddly enough, it has happened only once in my memory when a lady here wanted to pat a tiger.... Most people use their common sense, which, as Voltaire said, 'isn't so common'!

Daryl said...

what a magnificent creature

TheChieftess said...

Isn't he just magnificent!!! I can see that I wasn't the only one who's brain seized on the word magnificent!!! I don't think I've seen or heard of a white lion...very regal!!!

Bergson said...

moi je veux pas jouer


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...