Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring heat

These are two towers from the heating plant in New Belgrade...a few blossoms on the tree....but when will the real warmth come?

6 comments: said...

it's still chilly here too but we have been having more sun than usual.
I love this shot by the way.

Tamera said...

We have another winter storm predicted for tomorrow here... it sure has been a long winter.

Thérèse said...

Hold Bibi tight in your arms... you will know...

Daryl said...

love this .. well composed

Alexa said...

Very soon, I hope—for your sake and Bibi's!

Lowell said...

Nice composition juxtaposing those two very straight towers with that angled branch!

It will warm up. Guaranteed. Soon.


 GORGEOUS day here in Belgrade. Waiting for some friends on a psrk bench. Gardeners are tending the lavender that grows here and its scent f...