Friday, April 19, 2013

Off again visiting,,,,

Barely touched down on Serbian soil after India and am now off to visit my daughter and family in Seattle for about two months.

Leaving little Mila  in Belgrade for a while to cuddle with her cousin Luka in Seattle.


Alexa said...

What precious gifts your son and daughter have given you! Enjoy your visit with Luka --

Petrea Burchard said...

Everyone's so spread out! I think that's a plus; people to visit all over the world.

Lowell said...

I think you have a lot more energy than I do! What a whirlwind life you lead. But those grandkids are so cute, who could blame you?

Gaelyn said...

Gotta' spread the cuddles with these cuties.

brattcat said...

ah, what delicious choices you have about where and with whom you spend your time. said...

lucky girl! look how adorable these two happy children are!

Daryl said...

two gorgeous grands .. (as my mom would say: poo poo poo .. keeps away the evil eye)

Kim said...

Your world is rich with joy! Such cuties!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.