Thursday, April 18, 2013

Peanut, peanut....

I envied this fellow. I'm not good at sneaking up on or luring squirrels, but he was. They seem to think my camera is some sort of firearm and run away I sneaked the bottom shot with my long lens.

I'll be posting from Seattle on Friday for about two months. Visiting daughter and family!


Daryl said...

safe travel!!!!!!!

memographer said...

Love the top pic!
I'm a big fan of street photography. Just discovered your sites. Great photos.

TheChieftess said...

I know what you mean Bibi!!! Have a wonderful time in Seattle! If you come south and stop in sure to shoot me an email!!!

Alexa said...

The long lens is definitely useful for capturing squirrels and other skittish creatures. Have a wonderful time with your daughter and her family. (And if you have a notion to stop off in NY on your way home, I have a spare room, you know.)

Lowell said...

I can empathize with you. Squirrels act really squirrely when I approach with a camera. Maybe next time I should have a handful of nuts.

Wither thou goest, enjoy!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.