Monday, May 27, 2013


Do you like smelts?  I do. In Belgrade they're gutted and lightly fried.  I even eat the heads....

These were photographed at Seattle's Pike Place Market.

P.S.  Ah, lest I fib to you...I remembered  this post where I didn't eat the heads....


Juliette said...

Miam! Excellent.

Tamera said...

I do not. But then again, I don't like most fish. That means more fish for you ;^)

Gaelyn said...

No thanks. I don't eat things that are looking at me.

If you gut a smelt is there anything left? They're so small. Guess that's why the heads are left on.

Melissa Enderle said...

Ha- I remember that dining experience. We laughed so much. Good times

Alexa said...

I had some little fish once in London and ate them heads and all—but I was trying to impress a boy. (It worked.)

TheChieftess said...

Eeeuuwww!!! Not my choice of munchies!!! Smelt have been the center of controversy in California...their presence in the Sacramento Delta were causing quite a stir as they got caught in the spillways and dam machinery...causing a reduction in water to the Central Valley...which caused a tremendous problem with irrigation in what was once our most productive agricultural area...


 The  PALACE OF SERBIA, whose official name is the Palace of the Exdcutive Council, is a sprawling building in New Belgrade, and once repres...