Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas is coming....

It's time for Christmas Round Two. Serbs celebrate Christmas on January 7th, according to the Julian calender, and so tonight is Christmas Eve.  Oak branches as above are being sold all over, since on Christmas morning they are burned (sort of like a Yule log), and while they do, people say, "As many sparks, as much money." (Toliko žara, toliko para.)

Merry Christmas or Srećan Božić to all of you who celebrate tonight and tomorrow.

Daily Haiku
Christmas morning dawns
Crackling burning oak branches
Each spark is a coin


Luis Gomez said...

Very nice!

Olivier said...

je ne connaissais pas cette difference de calendrier

Lynette said...

This is a very interesting post. I like that saying, too.

Gaelyn said...

I like that idea of sparks for coins. If the oaks hadn't already burned I light a few leaves here. Merry Christmas, the second time round.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas! I love your blog.

Thérèse said...

D. ne me raconte jamais tout et malheureusement notre ami Darko n'est plus de ce monde pour m'expliquer toutes ces traditions qu'ils faisait vivre comme personne d'autre.

Lowell said...

Happy Xmas Eve! If only gather money was so easy as watching a few sparks.

:) Enjoy your holiday!

Alexa said...

Merry Christmas . . . again! (Do you celebrate twice?)

Tamera said...

Well then, Merry Christmas (again)!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.