Sunday, January 19, 2014

SUNDAY BRIDGES--same bridge, different view

The Bridge on Ada, seen from one end of Kalemegdan Park....

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.

Daily Haiku
No motivation
For a good haiku today
Wait for tomorrow



Jim said...

I do like this bridge design.

Louis la Vache said...

YAY!! Bibi's back!
That is one handsome bridge. It reminds «Louis» of the tower on the new portion of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Haiku or not, it's a welcome contribution to Sunday Bridges

s.c said...

It stays a very nice bridge. Thanks for showing.

Luis Gomez said...

Always beautiful!

Sally in WA said...

I do like bridges designed like this. Must be the lines of the suspension cables that appeal to me.

Alexa said...

All your shots of this bridge make me think of sailing ships. (And I love your haiku today.)

Lowell said...

No comment, but I hope all goes well!

Unknown said...

I hope 2014 proves to be a good year for you and yours!

William Kendall said...

A lovely shot!

Dolce Fooda said...

Bibi, could you add pinterest button to your photos, so I can share your pictures on my pinterest board -Belgrade, White City. I love your pictures and I want other people to see them as well. Also, this will bring more people to your blog. Thanks! Ivana


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.