Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Hejt" No More

Serbian is a phonetic language and 'j' is pronounced as a 'yuh', so 'hejt' is pronounced 'hate'. Not sure if this was an accidental misspelling, or if 'hejt' refers to something else...dunno what.

No haiku for a while. I am physically now in the US, but in cyberspace I'll be in Belgrade for another week!  Just to get over jet-lag....then photos of Seattle.


William Kendall said...

That wall's seen a lot of graffiti... said...

So colorful. What does it mean dear Bibi?

Indrani said...

No more... wars!

xdexx said...



Luis Gomez said...

Like this very much.

Lowell said...

Okay, I'm going with Hejt = Hate. Makes sense and I'll vote for that!

Colorful wall in a scary sense.

Alexa said...

Love the colors on this wall—and the message too (I think).

Unknown said...

This is quite likely a spin on "Faith no more", the American rock band quite famous in Serbia. Faith reads FEJT, only a letter away from HEJT. The opposition of faith vs hate gives another layer of meaning (this country/city needs faith to replace hate). Also, it now seems more clear why they had to spell it "hejt" and not "hate" - not to veer too far from the hidden "faith".


 Woke up at 7 and opened my shutters to view thick fog. I kind of like fog; it's mysterious. Now it is gone...