Wednesday, August 6, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "D" is for "determination"

You have to really admire tortoises, terrapins, and turtles. They for sure don't move so fast, even when they might be in a hurry like this chap, and finding a mate must be along process.  Determination was the word of the day for this tortoise at the Belgrade Zoo.

Poor fellow was too much in a the wrong side.  Note, though, the worn spot on her shell....

See other Ds on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


from Madrid said...

It is a curious picture.


William Kendall said...

Our friend here might need glasses!

Leslie: said...

What a DELIGHTFUL photo!

abcw team

Lowell said...

So funny. Love that worn spot on the tail. This poor fellow gives new meaning to the phrase "Blinded by love." Or maybe it's "Blinded by lust." :)

Olivier said...

ah ah la vie des animaux ;) bien vu

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! Tortoise coupling has never been in my mind...but now???

Roger Owen Green said...

Is this tortoise porn? Shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you! ;-)

Maria's Space said...

D is for PORN. Funny Pic Maria’s Space

Luis Gomez said...

Turtle love.

Alexa said...

D might also be for "desperate" in this poor fellow's case. She must be a popular girl!

Powell River Books said...

When I was a kid I had a desert tortoise as a pet. Her (I'm not sure we really knew) name was Pansy because as she would walk from the back yard to the side yards to enjoy some grass, she would stop and nibble on the pansies along the garden's border. - Margy

Indrani said...

:D I liked your explanation. Great pic.

Thérèse said...

Perhaps it was just a big hug!

Gaelyn said...

Love this shot. At least you were in the right position even if he was not.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.