Sunday, February 1, 2015

THEME DAY--What I would miss most

I had the privilege of selecting this month's theme, and I chose "What Would You Miss Most?" if you had to leave the city you usually post from.

I would definitely miss the Romi or Gypsy population here, for many reasons:  their resourcefulness, their spontaneity, and their overall joie de vivre, despite many prejudices and hardships.  I'm in Seattle now, and haven't seen a-one.

I've posted about them many times before, and you may remember this photo.

Today I'm posting several photos together, but hey, it's my meme and tomorrow is my birthday.

See other photos for this meme on City Daily Photo Theme Day.

NOTE:  The other day I took one of those dumb quizzes everyone posts on Facebook.  This one queried, "What were you in a former life?"  Guess what I was:  a gypsy! 


Kate said...

It is a wonderful theme because it made me think and ponder before I made my selection.

William Kendall said...

You've chosen perfectly well with these shots, and in choosing this theme, you're really bringing out some fascinating interpretations of what I've seen thus far.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I really want to thank you for this choice for theme day. It made me actually think about my adopted town. I've always loved your images and words of your adopted, City and people. The quirkiness,the culture, traditions, the history. Happy Birthday too.

Thérèse said...

Nice interpretation! It shows how recycling can help more than one purpose.
Enjoy your day tomorrow!

Bob Crowe said...

I have no idea how to say happy birthday in Serbian, but whatever it is, there you go.

We've seen the Roma people a bit in southern Europe. It's remarkable how well they maintain their identity.

magiceye said...

Wonderful take for the theme!!

Happy Birthday in advance!! Have a super day!

Uppal said...

Hi, I tried to participate in your meme on- what would you miss... but could not get it through.Will you pl. help? How to do it?

Tamera said...

Great theme post! And happy birthday to you!

Rajesh said...


Chrissy Brand said...

Possibly he best topic I have ever seen for a theme day post- thank you. And what a great choice you made - the Roma population.

Alexa said...

What Chrissy said about the topic! And I love your choice.

Alexa said...

And Bon Annivérsaire demain!

Luis Gomez said...

Great theme Pat. Have a wonderful birthday!

Luis Gomez said...

Great theme Pat. Have a wonderful birthday!

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a great theme. I would enjoy being in a place where Gypsies were so open about being themselves. They get such bad publicity that it's refreshing to see you post this positive post about them.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Love your choice for the theme day. Well done!

Lowell said...

So you're the one responsible for this theme? Hmmm...

Nah. It's a great theme and I love your collage. I find your enthusiasm for the gypsies a wonderful thing as usually they are treated with hostility and derision.

MeMumbaikar said...

Great choice of theme.
Lovely photos of the lively gypsies.

Wish you an awesome Happy Birthday in advance.
Have funnn...!

Gaelyn said...

The hell with former life, you are a gypsy. I would miss them too. Nice theme choice.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! You lovely, crazy woman.

Jack said...

I like your Roma collage. Your theme has been very well received . . . thanks! I hope you are enjoying Seattle (which is beating my New England Patriots in the Super Bowl as I type). And, in advance, Happy Birthday!

LOLfromPasa said...

You came up with a super theme idea. It gave me a lot to think about not only about where I live now (England) but my hometown of Pasadena, California. Thank you!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.