An acorn and its oak leag. Two signs of fall have fallen.
I've been away in the country for two weeks and am going home today. Hope the central heating is's chilly.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
I've been away in the country for two weeks and am going home today. Hope the central heating is's chilly.
My friend Marianne caught these two kittens in a tree a week or so ago in a small village. Very cute, but I am a dog person. Very few people spay or neuter their dogs or cats, which leads to the innocent animals' being abandoned somewhere as these were, and to grow up 'wild'.
Here's a more recent one from last year.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS
Me taking a photo of a corn field which once was.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
See other BW photos on Weekend in Black and White
See other skies on SKYWATCH.
Someone isn't taking such good care of this baby.
There's a high school downtown that has several outstanding murals. They keep changing, though, and I hadn't been back for a while.
This one is to or was done by the graduating class of 1999....quite a while ago. I don't know why it hadn't appeared earlier, but such is the case with a couple more I'll be showing you.
See other murals on MONDAY MURALS
...that I overlooked before," as the song goes. As a kid I used to lie in the grass at my grandmother's and look for four-leaf clovers, with varying success.
A fellow dog walker gave this one that she found to me. Didn't ask her if she had to lie in the grass, and I'm not sure the good luck it supposedly brings was already used up on her, since she found it. We will see.
See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY
I've always said I am never bored with my camera, and here is a case in point. Drove my very dirty car through the car wash and there you go.
I paid 600 dinars (about $6.00) for 'shampoo, wash, and blow dry'. My lucky car can do that; I'm not brave enough to go to the hairdresser yet.
I posted that on Facebook, and a young woman who lives just across from the pig and up the street for me took this photo of piggy at sunset.
And just what is a sunset pig? Joni Mitchell sang these words, so have a look at this link
See other skies on SKYWATCH
Who knows who they really were?
Just what the title says. I had gone up to the roof cafe of a building near the Federal Parliament hoping for a good shot of the full moon....but the moon was hidden for quite a while and didn't seem so big when it did appear.
See other skies on
No business now, so time for a newspaper break. This fellow sells fresh fruit as it comes in's a bit early for strawberri...