The real sky and the sky reflected in a newly-constructed hotel across the street from me.
See other skies and maybe some reflections on SKYWATCH.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
See other skies and maybe some reflections on SKYWATCH.
I had to ask about the conical-shaped things on the photo above. They are called ear candles. You insert the smaller end in your eat and light the other....the smoke is supposed to melt ear wax, relieve pain. I looked up ear candles online and they are a definite NO-NO.
You may end up looking like the creature on THIS MURAL I posted ages ago....
This kind of scene will never go away. Sad, but (shame on me) one wonders how honest some street people are. But I often give something.
See other shadows and maybe catch some rays, too, on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.
I am here in Devojački Bunar until Sunday. This area and far beyond was once part of the Panonian Sea. The immediate area here is called Deliblato Sands. The holes you see in the raised sandy soil are sand martin nests, but nobody's home now.
I believe I've posted something about Osage Oranges before, but in a forest near where I am spending a few days, I came accross the group in various stages from freshly fallen to nearly disintegrated. As I was bending over to take the photo, another fell with a loud thud, just missing me by a few inches. Each weighs about 2 pounds, so getting one dropped on one'shead could knock one unconscious. Take the photo and run!
I have never cared for quinces, aside from their lovely scent and color. Tried many a recipe/product using quinces, but no go. Even the beloved French sweet pâte de coings does nothing for me. Here in Serbia they make quince brandy, but I don't like that either. It's even a girl's name: Dunja (DOON-ya).
I am on my own personal writing retreat in a tiny place an hour from Belgrade. There are quite a few free-roaming dogs here. Perhaps some have owners, but if this one did not, I'd consider her as a playmate for Madhu.
I am spending 10 days out of Belgrade on a personal writing retreat, i.e. just me....and my dog, of course.
Here's my French toast breakfast.
I found this bust... Karl Marx or? I think it was stolen from somewhere, so I contacted the Cultural Heritage office and they're sending out a team to remove it. No clue where exactly they'll put it.
Entrance/exit to Students' Park near part of the university. It is often dubbed The Dog Park, since lots of dogs off leash.
Fall is coming this month. Because of the long, hot, dry summer, trees have already started to shed their leaves.
I chose TIME TRAVEL and honestly I think we all that power. As a child I watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman travel backin their Wayback Machine to witness first-hand famous moments in history. Later on, I enjoyed sci-fi films that used this theme, along with the various Back to the Future films. I am also an Outlander fan, waiting impatiently for Season Six... and maybe more. Ray Bradbury, my favorite fantasy author, wrote The Sound of Thunder, alluding to possible catastrophic consequences of meddling in the past.
So I have chosen a safer route. I travel back through time through photo albums, be they the old-fashioned paper/leather albums or digital ones. I often 'return' to visit places I have lived or spent a lot of time in, for example France and India, and of course the US. Through photographs I relieve moments here in Serbia spent with my husband and children. Sensory details from those photos spring to life: sounds, tastes, smells, the feel of wet grass or smooth silk, and the sight of someone or something I may have forgotten.
The above photo I cherish very much. It shows four generations of women on my mother's side of the family, and mini-me at the age of around 5 months.
As far as I know, no one has come up with a true time machine like in H.G. Wells' novel, but no matter. We all have our own through photographs.
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