Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Friday, March 19, 2010
SKYWATCH- Birds in flight
Not an original title, but that's just what this is. At first I thought the birds were crows, but they're rather large, so I think they may be gulls. I used my 200mm on this shot, so I can't be sure.
P.S. Why is my comment box not showing up? Help. Maybe it's a glitch on Blogger.... P.P.S. A HUGE THANKS TO Hilda of My Manila! SHE SOLVED MY PROBLEM, AND THE BOX IS BACK!!!
Thanks so much to all of you who left Skywatch comments on my Nikola Tesla blog. As you see, my box is back; thank you, Hilda!
Re: crows or gulls, many of you mentioned that they may be geese. I know what you mean, for parts of the US are besieged by Canadian geese, but I have never seen such geese or other large foul (flying!) here.
Nice, Bibi. I don't think I've ever seen sea gulls fly in such an orderly disciplined fashion. I'm guessing these are geese of some sort ... even though you say you've not seen geese locally. Not arguing, mind you ... that would be a fowl foul -:)
That's amazing! It looks like they formed the shape of a stingray. I don't believe seagulls or crows ever make formation in the way that migrating birds do, like ducks and geese do. You may be right that these are swans. I've never been in the right place to see swans flying. With their long necks, I would have guessed geese.
This is a piece of art, Bibi. Wow!
(So nice to have a little help from blogger friends - good job, Hilda)
Thanks so much to all of you who left Skywatch comments on my Nikola Tesla blog. As you see, my box is back; thank you, Hilda!
Re: crows or gulls, many of you mentioned that they may be geese. I know what you mean, for parts of the US are besieged by Canadian geese, but I have never seen such geese or other large foul (flying!) here.
This is very impressive. Another of those, "right place, right time" shots.
Harrah for Hilda of my Manila, she is a star. Its great that blogger s can help each other.
I tried to make something out of it: a letter, a sign something... I ended up thinking that it was simply a marvelous picture!
LOVE this ...
Nice, Bibi. I don't think I've ever seen sea gulls fly in such an orderly disciplined fashion. I'm guessing these are geese of some sort ... even though you say you've not seen geese locally. Not arguing, mind you ... that would be a fowl foul -:)
Gorgeous formations! Love all the wing patterns too! Fascinating in mono!
Oh, goodness! I have just reread my post and see I wrote 'foul' instead of 'fowl'!
Great photo, I sometimes wonder if they're trying to tell us something...
That's amazing! It looks like they formed the shape of a stingray. I don't believe seagulls or crows ever make formation in the way that migrating birds do, like ducks and geese do. You may be right that these are swans. I've never been in the right place to see swans flying. With their long necks, I would have guessed geese.
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