Friday, October 3, 2008

Wall Art

Often walls here are covered with grafitti, random street art, posters, or just scribbles. Here, however, this piece of wall art is the product of a major undertaking, and I wonder if the guys on the scaffolding are preparing another urban "canvas." Click on the photo to enlarge it. It seems as if this angel has something unangel-like protuding from one of her sleeves...oh.

Update: Want to know the story behind this mural? Check Bibi's comment under "Comments."


MuseSwings said...

Holy Moley! I'm glad you always prompt me to enlage the picture - I would miss so much otherwise - like knowing when to hit the dirt.

Great post!

Tanya Breese said...

Wow, very interesting and yes, she's packin heat!

Wayne said...

I don't know what to make of that. It's an impressive mural but I'd be curious to know who financed it.

Virginia said...

Oh , that's not nice! Disturbing I think. We certainly need to know more about this one Bibi.
Lots of hugs to you today,

Riccardo said...

an angel with so many arms... it seems Shiva god.
Interesting to see a rifle coming out from dress

Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !
Great shot, and nice wall...
See You later...

soulbrush said...

this is one of the best pics by do they get up there...scaffolding? maybe they 'fly'.

Pat said...

Virginia, here's the story:
This mural was done by a French artist, Guillaume Albi, on the occasion of BELEF 2008 (Belgrade Summer Festival.)It is entitled, The Saint of Belgrade, and represents an angel who is protecting Belgrade's treasures (at any cost, apparently, if you've enlarged the photo.) Albi was inspired by Belgrade's history. It is a city that has been constantly destroyed and rebuilt over the centuries. Albi finished this mural in two days' time, and it was done in acrylic paint.

tr3nta said...

Here in Madrid there are some walls like that to... I love them!!!

Dan said...

Thanks for the explanation. A heavily armed angel keeping peace through superior fire-power! A very practical approach.

Louis la Vache said...

Very ineresting - thank you for giving us l'histoire!

Virginia said...

TWO DAYS?? That is amazing. Well I forgive her for packing a pistol now.

Marie Reed said...

I am so glad that I enlarged this beauty!

Jane Hards Photography said...

That is such a starling image when enlarged. It definitely challenges the viewer, the angel with a gun. Thank you for the history in order for us to understand the concept behind the most striking image.

Adam said...

Wow, that is a striking image - and it only took 2 days to paint?!

I recognise the street, but I can't work out from which building you took this photo from. Is it from the bridge - although I'm sure the bridge is much further behind you...

Thérèse said...

Is a response going to be on the right wall? by the same artist or someone else?

Pat said...

Hi! Don't know, but my shutter finger is ever-ready. If it happens, you'll find out!

Mim said...

Pretty amazing

Anonymous said...

wow. an angel packing heat. :O

marley said...

This is very cool. Amazing detail.

Richard Lawry said...

quite unusual art. viewed large, the photo has lots of detail. thanks for the interesting shot.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.