So...how does an ex-pat like me spend her spare time? Obviously, I have a blog, and second to that, a full-time job,
:<) so I don't have a lot of spare time and don't spend most of it watching television, but when I think there were only
two channels when I first came to Belgrade, TV has come a long way. Currently I receive 63 domestic and international channels on my cable installation, plus another 20 local ones on my regular TV set-up. Like a lot of 'entertainment,' not all of it is worth watching. However, I must admit I am addicted to LOST. My son bought me the entire first four seasons, and I am working my way through Season Three at the present time, trying to catch up with Season Three every evening on local TV...I'm almost there....and then it's Season Four. Waiting for Season Five, which you in the US may already be looking at.
i was never able to get 'into' this one. i am hooked on grey's anatomy, desperate housewives and all murder detective shows.
I have never watched Lost. Maybe I will watch sometime.
An Arkie's Musings
Sometimes I think that I'd prefer just two channels!
Ha, ha. I love it. I can't wait for next Wednesday. (I'm skipping bookclub next week to watch it.)
Last summer my 17 year old son had ankle surgery and was stuck in bed for 2 weeks during which time together we watched 4 seasons in HD on the internet. ( I used to post as PJA)
I've never gotten into it (when you have so many channels, as we do here in NYC ( a blessing AND a curse), you have to make choices. However, both of my kids have been trying to get over a serious addiction to this show. But you should just enjoy, Bibi —hey, why not?
I am sooo jealous! I need to just go out and grab it on DVD! I've heard such rave reviews! I'm feeling lost without Lost!
I Love Lost but In Italy the new series is not again started... I like the person of Sawer he's cynical but not really bad, I think he has a ggod heart and he' very sexy!
I too am addicte to Lost! It's very engrossing, isn't it and just keeps on getting more and more weirder!
Lost is not my favorite, but I'm not a big TV watcher. I did enjoy The Sopranos and Desperate Housewives...on DVD though. I hate watching them in Italian, it's just not the same thing!
Saretta, I also like to watch movies and shows in original version. Here in Belgrade usually movies and tv shows are not dubbed, but just subtitled.
I have been hooked on LOST since the very first episode.
I also picked up Lost on DVD after a friend's recommendations...totally addicting! I honestly don't know how people could stand to just watch it in weekly installments with commercial breaks on TV.
As you know, we have tons of choices here & usually nothing to watch. I haven't gotten into LOST but now I probably will. abc & other chanells show recent episodes of some programs on-line at abc.com. I'm a regular follower of Brothers & Sisters with Sally Fields as mom. Do you remember when she played the Flying Nun...it was one of the 1st I watched when I came over here in 1970.
So many series to catch up with... I haven't seen any (except for "24 hours" (in between to moves) and don't know what to say when people talk about them...
Time to say "have a nice weekend" though.
I haven't seen even one episode of this show. It has never really appealed to me. But perhaps if I watched one, I'd get hooked? Not sure...
Sorry I've been absent...in December my husband and I found out we are going to have our first child, and things have been a bit...distracting! :)
I got lost with Lost. The channel that showed it on our cable was pulled from our package but now its back and I've missed two series. Doh!
I got lost with Lost. The channel that showed it on our cable was pulled from our package but now its back and I've missed two series. Doh!
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