Friday, April 3, 2009

Table and Chairs

This is a very typical scene around markets here in Belgrade and all over Serbia. The sign on the wall reads "Ljuba's Hot Burek". You'll remember I posted about burek here, so have a look to see what it is. Burek is usually accompanied by (drinkable) yogurt, but you can always get yourself a Coke from the machine you see...

This post is for Virgina of Birmingham Alabama Daily Photo who has been doing a series on tables and chairs.


GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Love the way you posted for Virginia. City Daily photo is uniting the world. Have you seen Kiev Daily Photo? It is new. Another good one from Eastern Europe.

Tash said...

jedan od mesa i jedan od sira, molim te :)
Makes me wonder if my mom and her 2nd husband ate here - he was from Beograd & when they visited, they ate burek every morning.

Lisa said...

Quite something to see a coke machine! When I visited Serbia as a child, all we had was Cokta.

Thérèse said...

Quite a nice serie on chairs going on. Who is next?

Virginia said...

Merci!! I like your table and chairs and that fun sign on the wall. Keep your eye out for more. We can keep this thing going and going! Oh, your rose hips photo is spectacular. How did i miss that yesterday???

soulbrush said...

fun colours so different to your winter posts.

Marie Reed said...

This is a fun picture! Are those real flowers on the table:) I would happily gup down a drinkable yogurt!

Tash said...

BTW - I posted vintage Jugo stamps on

MuseSwings said...

I'm going to have to wander off and find myself a snack now.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.