Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who wants Jackson?

I'm back on my feet again, though I still don't feel so hot and am still taking antibiotics. My son is helping me walk Bibi, but from time to time I take her out so I can get some air, too.

During one such short walk in my neighborhood, I noticed this little dog, who seemed to stay in one place, since from my terrace I'd seen other larger male strays chasing him. He's very sweet, and I felt sorry for he is currently safe and sound on my terrace. Yesterday he got his first shots and worm pill. Jackson, or so I've named him, is about one year old, seems to like children from what I have observed, and doesn't growl when you pet him while he's eating. I'm placing some ads and using the grapevine, so we will see. I cannot keep him, since already one dog is enough for me now that I am working again.

Strays are a BIG problem here; most puppies are born and die in a short time, and those who survive are not always lucky.

Any takers for Jackson?? :) I'll keep you posted if, or rather I hope, when I find someone.

Jilly, who runs Riviera Dogs, this post is for you, as well as for Paula of Pensacola Daily Photo.


Mara said...

I felt sorry for a cat once: she was only small and always seemed to be hungry. Then one day she found her way to the food bowl of my other cats and a few days later I just closed the door on her. I tried to find a new family for her, but no luck. After a few weeks I finally named her and took her to the vet.
It's been six years now and right now Linette (as I named her) is lying on the back of my couch, purring in my neck!

I hope you have more luck finding another home for Jackson. Which, by the way, is a great name for him!

PJ said...

Well, I'm a little teary-eyed. Thanks for the shout-out and let me also say that your new pal seems to have all the best pet traits so I think it's just a matter of time before he gets his forever home. I'm looking forward to hearing about that part of his adventure and about your next visit with Katya. I hope this finds you feeling better.

Gaelyn said...

Jackson is a handsome mix of mutt. Hope you can find him a good home.

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Thérèse said...

Jackson is probably anxious of finding a new home and you too for him.

Tash said...

He's so adorable (gotta love those ears) & adoptable! Seem a good size for apartment or smaller house and a great disposition. (Needs a $20 bill to go with his name.) Wish you and him all the best. How is Bibi reacting to the visitor? The mural in Westchester is on my post today. Come by when you have a chance.

Marie Reed said...

That's my question too! Is Bibi happy or suspicious of your delightful visitor? Poor sick you.... I loved seeing the shot of your bedside table. I haven't been sick yet but I have the immune system of a wet dish towel.hmmm...

James said...

It's so nice of you to help Jackson. I really hope that he finds a good home. It's very sad that there are so many homeless animals wandering around.


Poor little thing - but who is lucky to have you for a while! Hope you will find a loving person who will take good care of him!

My dog is the second dog adopted from a shelter for stray dogs - and abused dogs. So I have a little thing for dogs like that. He looks so sweet!

Alexa said...

Jackson is lucky you came along! Can't imagine you won't find him a good home—he looks like such a sweetie. Keep us posted. [The super of our building rescued a young cat that had been left in a sealed (!) box, and the kitty has been living with me for almost 12 years. EI named him Pigeon, but everyone calls him Stubby because his tail is only a couple of inches long and he wags it like a dog.]

Jilly said...

Bibi, he's gorgeous. Good for you taking him in till you find a home. I can't believe it will be long before that happens. Do he and Bibi get along well? He looks bright and intelligent. so happy you gave him a space for the time being.

Thanks for the link. Hope you are feeling better.

nicole said...

he's so adorable. it's weird that i found your blog kind of randomly... i'm an american student living in belgrade for the next few months, and i see doggies like this everywhere. i want to take them all home!!!! i intend to read more of your blog, but i had to comment on this

nicole said...

he's so adorable. it's weird that i found your blog kind of randomly... i'm an american student living in belgrade for the next few months, and i see doggies like this everywhere. i want to take them all home!!!! i intend to read more of your blog, but i had to comment on this

nicole said...

he's so adorable. it's weird that i found your blog kind of randomly... i'm an american student living in belgrade for the next few months, and i see doggies like this everywhere. i want to take them all home!!!! i intend to read more of your blog, but i had to comment on this

Marie-Noyale said...

I do hope you find him a nice home.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!