Friday, November 20, 2009


Not a pretty sky in comparison with what most Skywatchers show, but although I changed this photo to black and white, it didn't look too much different in the color version. It was a chilly, gray morning...

To see other skies, probably in color, have a look at SKYWATCH


Lowell said...

What a great eye you have. I would have walked right on by this...super dramatic could represent so many different things: follow a straight path instead of a crooked one and you'll get farther on your journey upward!

John B. said...

I like the way you lined up the tree and the lamppost. This looks like a few of my previous skywatch attempts. Gray skies can still make for good photography.

FO - 2 said...

Cool composition! :)

Jim said...

Quite an atmosphere.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

They make a lovely pair - the tree and the lamp. A chilly shot indeed!!

eden said...

great shot of the gray sky.

Jossie said...

Wonderful picture.

Gaelyn said...

Great in B&W. Really like the silohuet of the tree, post and person against the gray sky. Good composition and capture.

Virginia said...

A real tree? I thought it sculpture! Well it's wonderful nonetheless. You find such interesting things for us Bibi.. Bravo

Thérèse said...

Mais quelle photo!
Une belle sculpture en accordance avec le lampadaire. Très original.

PJ said...

I saw this on the portal and was thinking sculpture myself. What a surprise and it looks chilly indeed.

Tash said...

I agree with Jacob - excellent eye! The tree shape with the lamp post makes the shot. As well as the gray sky - brrr.

Dimple said...

Dramatic post/tree combo in this. It is a stark photo, but it works!

Jilly said...

Love it! I can see you walking round and round this lamp post until you got the right angle with the tree. Well done. I hate gray days but this works.

Debra said...

This is a very interesting photo! I love it! I really like the tree behind the lamp post...nice composition!

benikos place said...


Alexa said...

You really do have a great eye. Such a gloomy/beautiful composition.

marley said...

Nice, unusual composition.

Chuck Pefley said...

One of those times (rare in my opinion) when bw definitely works better than color. Love the stark lines you've captured, Bibi. Nicely seen ... and executed.
Dark, wet, windy, miserable non-scooting conditions here. Yuk!

Tara R. said...

Very dramatic. I love seeing black and white photos. The effect gives so much character to the image.

Kim said...

I love the sculptural quality of the tree shape and that lovely light pole against your gray sky with passerby. It is getting to be the time of year we have to make our own color :-). Very nice shot!

James said...

I really like this shot.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.