Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rain boots?

I think these boots are kind of cute, but not for the icky slush and rain we've been having. Too hairy!


Kim said...

Very nice catch! Fun boots. I'm thinking Yak, I'm thinking Sonny and Cher, I'm thinking retro chic a la Flintstones :-). Fashion fun for everyone!

Lowell said...

Looks kinda like someone's trying to emulate a wooly mammoth! But you're right - they are kinda cute!

Thérèse said...

Boots which look indeed fun and good at least for the shampoo industry!

Virginia said...

Oh I don't like anything that makes my legs ( or other body parts) look BIGGER! Maybe they are warm though.

Louis la Vache said...

Is she from Berkeley?
They don't shave their legs there...

(Editor to «Louis»: Be nice, «Louis»! )

Gaelyn said...

Look like Alaskan Muckalucks to me. Wet hair would make for heavy boots. Nice capture.

Chuck Pefley said...

Nothing smells better than wet fur. Well, actually I can think of a good many things, like roses, garlic, fresh baked bread, coffee ... I suspect these boots might be problematic from that standpoint ... cool as they look.

Fun photo, Bibi!

Jilly said...

Love the boots AND the photo. A good deal more sensible, these boots, than the shoes I show on Monte Carlo DP today!

Serline said...

My dogs will keep sniffing if I put it on my legs.

Alexa said...

Well, they'd keep your ankles warm, for sure. She's be better off with a pair of Wellies in that weather—maybe she could still grab some attention with bright red ones. said...

it looks like the same hair that my Yorkie has except Priscilla's hair is black.

Unknown said...

Perhaps she's slowly turning into Chewbacca the Wookie from Star Wars. She's got some lethal looking nails too.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

...Like me having a snowball fight with my son and we're in our matching UGG boots. Slush all the way up to my knickers...

Lovely capture.

(Louis La Vache left the funniest comment)

ELe xx

Kim said...

Hey Louis La Veche, my dear friend, you KNOW I'm a Berkeley girl :-)
You know what ELSE they say about us ;^).

Тања said...

the most disgusting boots EVER!

Tash said...

Nice looking woman with Mammoth boots. Wild - literally. Funny capture.

PJ said...

Maybe her dog does he "dry cleaning" for her??? I know I wouldn't want to do it after a slushy day.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.