Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ABC WEDNESDAY "F" is for "Found"

On another ABC WEDNESDAY not so long ago, I posted these shoes and wondered who would wear them. Now I know. I saw this young saleswoman in a doorway of a dress shop wearing none other than those very high heels.

Found 'em, and now I know who wears 'em!

Check out other F's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

P.S. Someone asked about the bottle and the pipe. The pipe comes from the air conditioner, which drips into the pipe and then into the bottle, which is placed there and occasionally emptied so the sidewalk doesn't get all wet!


Vinay Leo R. said...

good u found her :D

My ABCW Post

Leslie: said...

Looks like that "customer" is also glad he found her - er, those shoes! lol

Ray said...

Where is the pipe into the bottle coming from?


Sylvia K said...

Yep! Have to agree with Leslie -- looks like the "customer" is glad he found her -- and/or the shoes! What a hoot! Fun laugh for the F day! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Dina said...

No comment. LOL

Thérèse said...

A terrific picture Bibi! How fun!

Gigi Ann said...

The first thing I noticed was the shoes. LOL.. and than I asked my self, What is she selling? Whatever it is the man looks interested. Fun post for F day.

Kim said...

Hot digity dog, now THAT's what I call a fantastic street shot. Yay for you and this great capture! I'm thinking I would have paired the sun dress with some flip flops, but then I'm a west coast girl. The sales clerk taking a break and talking is a great slice of life shot. Nice follow up on your shoe photo, too. We love a good continuing story :-).

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Great story told without any words about this scene. Not so sure about the shoes but she does wear them confidently!

Anonymous said...

Two different kinds of size.

daily athens

Olivier said...

les chaussures sont impressionnantes ;)

Luis Gomez said...


Roger Owen Green said...

His eyes are at a...certain level. let's say.

On behalf of ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG

B SQUARED said...

What exactly is she selling?

Gaelyn said...

Well now we know. And she looks right in them too.

Verna Luga said...

this is so neat.. this tells a lot ... awesome expression... can't wear that shoe ... too fancy for me..

My ABC Wednesday here
And Here Too
hope you can drop by, Have A Nice Day!

Randy said...

Great shot. You could read so much into this photo. She looks angry.

photowannabe said...

A very suggestive photo. There's an entire story there. Amazing shoes. I don't think I could walk in those. said...

Like a puzzle you have found the missing piece!
& a great portrait of a unique woman.

Francisca said...

What a funny find! I wouldn't wear them, but they look good on her!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee....
As B SQUARED asked, exactly WHAT is it she is selling?

Daryl said...

I thought at first you'd 'found' a hooker .. tho I am still not sure what she's selling ..

John (@bookdreamer) said...

She looks like a sassy gal who'd take no bull from anyone and she carries the shoes well. I'm new in town and I post from various blogs so last week my E was a 50-word story called The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman. This week my F is a poem called The final seaside trip. I hope you have a good week!

Alexa said...

What fun! I do think he's better stop staring at the part of her anatomy that those high shoes have placed at his eye level. She looks like she knows how to use that ridiculous footwear!

Tash said...

Just love those who dare to do latest fashion. Excellent capture of the pose too, in addition to it being a great find.

Tumblewords: said...

Wow - what an incredible capture! I almost wonder what happens next. :)

PJ said...

B2, you're incorrigible! THAT is a fabulous photo, Bibi. She looks like a real handful.

Serline said...

Hmmm, with that outfit and pose, I wonder what she's selling...

Chuck Pefley said...

Serline asked the very question that crossed my mind -:)

Like your new header photo.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

this image confirm the legendary beauty of Serbian women :))


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.