Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ABC Wednesday--"V" is for "Vane"

N, S, E, and W are the letters I grew up seeing on a weather vane, but since I've been living in Serbia, I have to get used to seeing Cyrillic letters for 'sever', jug', 'istok', and 'zapad', which stand for north, south, east, and west respectively. In Cyrillic they would be: С, Ј, И, and З, and so they are here on this vane! And in Serbian, weather vane is: vetrokaz, so that's another "V".

See more V's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Lowell said...

All I could think about is the song, "You're So Vain"!

Nice silhouetted weather vane, though, and thanks for the explanation of the's all way beyond me. I have a tough enough time with English.

Alexa said...

Thanks—all I need to do is remember one of these (sever, I guess), and I'll never get lost in Serbia! Hey, you never know. Must be fascinating to speak a language that bears pretty much no resemblance to your native tongue.

Gaelyn said...

Nice weather vane. Seems strange to look at different letters. The birds don't seem to mind.

mrsnesbitt said...

I have always fancied a weather vane - trouble is our house is so high I would not be able to make it out! Loved this one though! Great idea.
ABC Team

Wanda said...

How clever, a weather vane.... Like your choice and photo.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating. I was surprised to see the different letters on the vane, then I thought...well duh!! Different language, different letters!
I guess I'm just slow today. (:0)

Luis Gomez said...

Love this one Bibi. Beautiful.

Thérèse said...

That's a very fun post for me Bibi! Something to learn.

Olivier said...

beau contre jour de cette discutions entre amis pigeons ;)

Roger Owen Green said...

the common becomes unfamiliar!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Chuck Pefley said...

Fascinated by the "3" for west ... Looks like the pigeons are confused and don't know which way to fly -:)

Tumblewords: said...

Love seeing the difference in makes it all new again!

Pat said...

Hi, Chuck! The '3' is of course a Cyrillic'Z' for 'zapad' or 'west'.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

interesting explanation! regards

Daryl said...

Love the mood of this .. love silhouettes ...


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