Friday, December 16, 2011

SKYWATCH--December sky

December sky it was, though it may look more like a warm summer evening.

See more skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Very nice shot! Quite dramatic!

Kel said...

simply stunning shot
a golden haze warms the wintry day alright

RedPat said...

Wonderful shot!

Lowell said...

Quite beautiful. I like the bird, although it reminds me of those crows following me around the golf course this morning laughing at me. "Caw, caw," they went!

BTW, I like Burger King better than the other place, too!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Oh my! This is a gorgeous shot! The colors are dreamy and the composition is just perfectly balanced... love the bird!


eileeninmd said...

A lovely capture and photo. Thanks for sharing your skies. Happy Skywatching!

WildBlack said...

Beautiful capture :)

Gaelyn said...

Nice soft colored sky.

Unknown said...

lovely photo...i love the tone, perfect!

Alexa said...

No, this definitely looks like a winter sky to me. And I love the bird too!

TheChieftess said...

Great shot!!! Love the bird!!!

Unknown said...

Lovley moody sky.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.