Monday, February 6, 2012

Come on over, neighbor!

Caught a glimpse of this fellow across the way.... I could use some roof-shoveling, too. Belgrade had a major snowstorm over the weekend....

And here's a fun video you must watch if you've ever had to dig your car out of the snow...


Lowell said...

Good grief...I get the willies just watching that guy up there! He could easily slip and fall! Not good.

Sorry about the cold and snow. I read where the Siberian cold wave hit Serbia really hard. Time to stay in by the fire with a glass of wine.

Bob Crowe said...

Brrrr. Why would someone shovel the roof of an apartment building? Poor construction and risk of collapse?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

hahahahaha! I'm still laughing Bibi, just shows in a situation like that, use your beeper FIRST to find your car, I so needed that laugh this morning. and btw is that guy shoveling snow way up there ..MAD!!

Gaelyn said...

Been there, done that, don't really like the snow anymore.

TheChieftess said...

Call me crazy...but I really like this photo!!! Love monochrome buildings in the snow with the pop of yellow!!! Of course he is pretty nuts to be shoveling that snow up there...
I totally get why you'd want to send us some of your snow Bibi!!! Thanks for the thoughts!!

Petrea Burchard said...

I'm with the Chieftess--love the photo. It reminds me of my Chicago days. So does the video! I never minded the snow, it was the cold I didn't like...

Thérèse said...

Oh no! No way I would trade for this man on the roof...

Pat said...

Dear Readers, He's shoveling because he probably knows he'll have a leaky roof when the snow melts. I have a leak in my roof....but it's under control, I hope.

J e l e n a said...

Now what is he doing cleaning the roof? Love the video!

Anzu said...

I couldn't keep myself from laughing out loud.ヾ(≧▽≦)ノ
It's highly likely.

Andy said...

Not a good place to be clearing snow on a slippery day.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» joins you in hoping the leak in your roof is under control!

Jilly said...

My goodness, that IS cold and thanks for explaining why he's shoveling the roof. Love the video! I think I'd better stop complaining about being cold here, in the south of France!

brattcat said...

ah, that video made me laugh out loud. thank you.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.